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Produktkategorie Scandinavia
Supposed hostility to life, long winters and short summers have created a unique natural environment by European standards. Giant reindeers, moose, musk ox, wolf, lynx and bears are at home in large parts of Scandinavia. Huge glaciers, countless lakes, deep fjords and endless forests are the hallmarks of this paradise. As is well known, the north is also the first address in Europe for anglers whether at sea, on the rivers or in the fjords.
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georelief Vertriebs GbR
Dohnaer Str. 383
D-01259 Dresden
Tel: +49 (0) 351 / 79 27 5100
Fax: +49 (0) 351 / 79 24 504
E-Mail: info@georelief.de
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Georelief GmbH
Hauptstrasse 89
CH-8840 Einsiedeln
Tel: +41 (0) 554223315
Fax: +41 (0) 554223485
E-Mail: info@georelief.ch